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book cover - red robed figure in a dark urban settingThe latest volume in our award-winning Year's Best series, The Year's Best Australian Fantasy and Horror 2015 is weeks away. Editors Liz Grzyb and Talie Helene have selected 31 incredible stories, over 150,000 words, from Australia and New Zealand published in 2015.

In addition, the volume features an indepth review of the genre in 2015 and a recommended reading list.

The stories are

This volume was successfully funded through a crowd-sourcing campaign, and will be the first time an Australian Year's Best genre series has run to 6 consecutive single-year volumes. The Year's Best Australian Fantasy and Horror 2015 will be available in hardcover, paperback, and ebook, in February/March 2017.

The hardcover and paperback are available to pre-order at indiebooksonline.

The editors will begin reading for the 2016 volume in due course. Please keep an eye on our website.