We've set up a kickstarter to partly fund Aurum: a golden anthology of novellas.
Aurumis an anthology of awesome speculative novellas by some of Australia's brightest talents. At this point we have locked in Joanne Anderton, Stephanie Gunn, Angela Rega, Lucy Sussex, and Susan Wardle, and expect to have at least a couple more awesome names before we go to print.
3 APRIL EDIT: We are chuffed to be able to add Juliet Marillier to this star-studded line-up!
Aurumwill be approximately 90,000 words of exceptional original fiction, all novellas (more than 7500 words) giving the writers space to develop stories and write at a length not always considered commercially acceptable. We're giving the writers an opportunity to tell the stories they want to tell, and the space they want to tell them in.
Aurumwill be edited by the A. Bertram Chandler Award-winning editor Russell B. Farr.
Aurumalso celebrates the 20th year in publishing for Ticonderoga. We started way back in 1996, and since then have produced over 50 titles. Aurumwas originally planned as our 50th title (hence the name) but a few other books came through and pushed it back a little. Numbers aside, Aurum will still be our golden book.
Please check this out and back us at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/499651181/aurum-a-golden-anthology-of-original-novellas