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Ticonderoga Publications publishes an annual anthology series, The Year’s Best Australian Fantasy and Horror.

The series is edited by Liz Grzyb and Talie Helene.

Liz Grzyb is the editor of the acclaimed Scary Kisses, Australia’s first paranormal romance anthology, and is Reviews Editor at Ticon4.

Talie Helene was News Editor for the Australian Horror Writers’ Association for four years, for which she was nominated for a Ditmar Award; she is also a musician and freelance journalist.

“There are some fantastic stories being published by Australians right now, and we’re looking forward to collecting the best of these in one volume,” says Liz Grzyb.

“There’s an amazing depth of talent in Australian horror fiction, and I can’t wait to showcase the best to a broader audience,” enthuses Talie Helene.

Ticonderoga’s editor, Russell B. Farr is excited by this project.

“While Australian publishers have had success in the past with Year’s Bests, consistency and longevity have been somewhat elusive. We’re hopeful that this series will be sustainable, and that sharing the workload will make this happen,” says Russell.

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