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Edited by Russell B. Farr and Nick Evans

In this anthology, Australia's finest speculative writers imagine what the future holds for the Australian worker.

Nominated for 2 Ditmar Awards

"His Lipstick Minx", Kaaron Warren, Best Short Story
Best Collected Work


"Ajudication", Simon Brown
"The Working Dead of Heehaw's Australia", Jenny Schwartz
"Right to Work", Cat Sparks
"Winning Ways", D.W. Walker
"Night with the Stars Askew", Rjurik Davidson
"Farmers John Pass Go", Bill Congreve
"Magda's Career Choice", Rowena Cory Daniells
"MTP", George Ivanoff
"His Lipstick Minx", Kaaron Warren
"Seahoney", Anna Tambour
"Black and Bitter", Nathan Burrage
"Flystrike", David J. Kane
"Rapturama", Matthew Chrulew & Roland Boer
"After The Choice", Robin Hillard
"Milk Across the Nation", Ashley Arnold
"Pseudomelia of the Masses", Robert Hood
"Arianne's Event", Susan Wardle
"Networking for Dummies", Dirk Flinthart

Cover design by Amanda Rainey.


Limited Edition, 50 copies signed by the editors. RRP $50 AUD. ISBN 978-0-9586856-7-2. Available from

Trade Edition. RRP $20 AUD. ISBN 978-0-9586856-7-2. Available from

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