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Lezli Robyn is an Aussie Lass who has very recently discovered a love for writing fiction. She has sold 9 stories since October 2008 to professional markets in America, such as Asimov's and Analog; six of them appearing in print before the close of 2009 to qualify for the Campbell Award. She's also recently made an audio publication sale, an e-print sale, and 11 foreign translation sales to countries such as Italy, Greece, China, Poland, Russia, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Spain and Slovakia.


Her first Campbell Award qualifying publication was the first story she ever wrote, "Idle Roomer" with Mike Resnick, for Clarkesworld magazine. And all of her sales since then have been sold to professional paying markets.


She was also a finalist for a 2009 Aurealis Award for a novelette she has written with prolific award-winning author Mike Resnick, "Soulmates".

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