If you've bought and read any TP work in the last year and loved it so much you'd like to nominate it for an award, here's what we published (in case you've forgotten). (Dit) means it may be eligible for the Ditmar Award, (Tin) may be eligible for the Tin Duck Award, (Chr) may be eligible for the Chronos Awards.
"The Sculptor's Wife", Janeen Webb, in Death at the Blue Elephant (Dit/Chr)
"Velvet Green", Janeen Webb, in Death at the Blue Elephant (Dit/Chr)
"The Lady of the Swamp", Janeen Webb, in Death at the Blue Elephant (Dit/Chr)
"The Beetle Road", Ian McHugh, in Angel Dust (Dit)
"Escapement", Stephanie Gunn, in Kisses by Clockwork (Dit/Tin)
"Skull Beach", Janeen Webb, in Death at the Blue Elephant (Dit/Chr)
"The Tax Collector of Rhuin", Ian McHugh, in Angel Dust (Dit)
"Apricot Finds a Treasure", Ian McHugh, in Angel Dust (Dit)
"Almost Angels", Ian McHugh, in Angel Dust (Dit)
"The Death of Reba Maul", Richard Harland, in Kisses by Clockwork (Dit)
"Descension", Faith Mudge, in Kisses by Clockwork (Dit)
"TheWild Clockwork Colonial Boy", Nicole Murphy, in Kisses by Clockwork (Dit)
"The Tic-Toc Boy of Constantinople", Anthone Panegyres, in Kisses by Clockwork (Dit/Tin)
"A Clockwork Heart", Amanda Pillar, in Kisses by Clockwork (Dit/Chr)
"The Law of Love", Angela Rega, in Kisses by Clockwork (Dit)
"Siri and the Chaos-Maker",Carol Ryles, in Kisses by Clockwork (Dit/Tin)
"South, To Glory" D.C. White, in Kisses by Clockwork (Dit)
cover, Death at the Blue Elephant, Nick Stathopolous (Dit)
cover and illustrations, Black-Winged Angels, Kathleen Jennings (Dit)
Death at the Blue Elephant, Janeen Webb (Dit)
Angel Dust, Ian McHugh (Dit)
Black-Winged Angels, Angela Slatter (Dit)
The Year's Best Australian Fantasy and Horror 2013, ed Liz Grzyb and Talie Helene (Dit/Tin/Chr)
Kisses by Clockwork, ed Liz Grzyb (Dit/Tin)
The Assassin of Nara, R.J. Ashby (Dit)
"The Year in Review", Liz Grzyb and Talie Helene, in The Year's Best Australian Fantasy and Horror 2013 (Dit/Tin/Chr)
The fifth volume of the award-winning annual series collecting the best fantasy and horror stories from the Antipodes.
The deadline for submissions is 31 January 2015.
Please note that while the editors do read widely, they are relying on writers to assist them by sending copies of their stories. This is the best way to ensure that stories do not get overlooked.
Expected Publication Date May 2015
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Year's Best Fantasy and Horror
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Year's Best Fantasy and Horror
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We're really happy to be able to announce the final line-up and cover of the fourth volume of The Year's Best Australian Fantasy and Horror.
Liz Grzyb and Talie Helene have compiled an impressive list of fantastic stories first published in 2013, from New Zealand's and Australia's finest writers.
The 28 stories selected are
In addition to the above incredible tales, the volume will include a review of 2013 and a list of highly recommended stories.
The editors will shortly begin reading for the fifth volume of The Year's Best Australian Fantasy and Horror.
The Year's Best Australian Fantasy and Horror 2013 is scheduled for publication in late-November 2014 and can be pre-ordered at indiebooksonline.com. The anthology will be available in hardcover, ebook and trade editions.
A sneak preview of three titles to end the year.
We'll have more details soon. All the above, and all of our available titles, may be ordered at indiebooksonline.com.
A new anthology edited by Amanda Pillar
Blood will tell... blood holds memory... blood is sacrifice... blood is thicker than water... blood is life.
Bloodlines will feature non-traditional horror stories, which take place in an urban fantasy setting. Give me stories about creatures that need blood to live, or blood to do magic, or whose blood is magic. Witches, shamans, faeries, ancient gods and humans can feature in this collection, so long as your story exudes magic and mystery. So long as you enchant me.
As for the nitty-gritties:
The anthology will be published by Ticonderoga Publications in late 2014/early 2015.
Submission guidelines:
Send me your best dark urban fantasy story.
We're overjoyed to announce and reveal Janeen Webb's forthcoming collection Death at the Blue Elephant.
Cover design is by the incredible Nick Stathopolous.
Death at the Blue Elephant is the first story collection by the respected and multiple award winning Australian writer and editor Janeen Webb. She is a recipient of the World Fantasy Award, the Peter MacNamara SF Achievement Award, the Australian Aurealis Award, and is a three-time winner of the Ditmar Award. In her introduction to this book, Pamela Sargent describes these stories as evoking a "combination of suspenseful anticipation, nervous apprehension, and total absorption in something far removed from my own experience". Death at the Blue Elephant collects 18 incredible globe-spanning visions by the self-confessed 'inveterate traveller'. Five stories are original to this collection.
There’s magic here, and illusion, and strange wonders that’ll surprise and delight. — Robert Shearman
Exotic, cunning—often funny—and now and then edges to cut yourself on. — Tanith Lee
Gloriously adult, these stories will transport you—but they’ll never drop you home. — Anna Tambour
Janeen Webb’s assemblage of angels, aliens, devils and assorted revenants bring with them compassion and settings rich and exotic where even the mundanity of our everyday world is imbued with a sparkle rarely glimpsed in the hands of lesser writers. — Peter Crowther
Sneak preview launch in June, and available everywhere in the second half of 2014. You can preorder at indiebooksonline:
We are thrilled to reveal the cover of the forthcoming steampunk romance anthology Kisses by Clockwork, edited by Liz Grzyb.
Kisses by Clockwork features 16 incredible stories of steampunk and romance.
Putting the steamy back into steampunk.
You can pre-order Kisses by Clockwork at indiebooksonline.com
We'll be launching in June. Stay tuned!
We've been a little quiet lately.
While it's true that we are working behind the scenes to bring you some great books and big news, the truth is we've also spent the first half of this year getting married and having a honeymoon.
But don't worry, normal transmission will resume shortly.
Congratulations to our Aurealis Award winners! Last weekend three of our titles took away Aurealis Awards, and we're quite chuffed.
"By Bone-Light", Juliet Marillier, Prickle Moon
The Year's Best Australian Fantasy and Horror 2012, edited by Liz Grzyb and Talie Helene
"The Year of Ancient Ghosts", Kim Wilkins, The Year of Ancient Ghosts