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Ticonderoga Publications is very happy to announce the signing of Jane Routley’s award-winning Chronicles of Dion trilogy.

First published between 1996 and 1999, the deal sees these books back in print in quality tradepaperback editions.

The trilogy comprises Mage Heart, Fire Angels and Aramaya. Fire Angels and Aramaya won the Aurealis Awards for Best Fantasy Novel in 1998 and 1999 respectively.

The three volumes are expected to be published between late-September and early December, 2012.

The Chronicles of Dion tell the story of Dion Holyhands, a young woman coming to terms with her magical power in a patriarchal, often theocratical society.

"Jane Routley's trilogy really is gripping reading, full of wonder, intrigue, romance and magic,” Ticonderoga Editor Russell B. Farr said.

"I picked up Mage Heart and didn't come up for air until I'd finished Fire Angels—we were visiting friends at the time and I wasn't a very sociable guest, but I was very happy," Russell B Farr added.

The Chronicles of Dion are presently available as ebooks from Clan Destine Press.

Jane Routley has written five novels for adults. Her short stories have been widely anthologised, have appeared in Meanjin and been read on the ABC. She enjoys mentoring emerging writers and has had many years experience in doing so. When she’s not writing she works for the railways and hangs around Flinders Street Station looking for ideas.

The late Sara Douglass said of Jane Routley’s work: “[she] writes with a freshness and vigour rare in today's crowded market. Her characters are a dexterous mixture of the astute, the delightful, and the deceptive, displaying the full range of human weakness and wonder—no wonder the plot glides forward so effortlessly."

Ticonderoga Publications is a multiple award-winning independent press based in Greenwood, Western Australia. Founded in 1996, Ticonderoga have published or announced almost fifty titles.

The Chronicles of Dion are scheduled for publication in 2012. The collection will be available in hardcover and trade editions.

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