If you've bought and read any TP work in the last year and loved it so much you'd like to nominate it for an award, here's what we published (in case you've forgotten). (Dit) means it may be eligible for the Ditmar Award, (Tin) may be eligible for the Tin Duck Award, (Chr) may be eligible for the Chronos Awards.

Best Novella/Novelette (over 7500 words)

"The Sculptor's Wife", Janeen Webb, in Death at the Blue Elephant (Dit/Chr)

"Velvet Green", Janeen Webb, in Death at the Blue Elephant (Dit/Chr)

"The Lady of the Swamp", Janeen Webb, in Death at the Blue Elephant (Dit/Chr)

"The Beetle Road", Ian McHugh, in Angel Dust (Dit)

"Escapement", Stephanie Gunn, in Kisses by Clockwork (Dit/Tin)

Best Short Story (7500 words and under)

"Skull Beach", Janeen Webb, in Death at the Blue Elephant (Dit/Chr)

"The Tax Collector of Rhuin", Ian McHugh, in Angel Dust (Dit)

"Apricot Finds a Treasure", Ian McHugh, in Angel Dust (Dit)

"Almost Angels", Ian McHugh, in Angel Dust (Dit)

"The Death of Reba Maul", Richard Harland, in Kisses by Clockwork (Dit)

"Descension", Faith Mudge, in Kisses by Clockwork (Dit)

"TheWild Clockwork Colonial Boy", Nicole Murphy, in Kisses by Clockwork (Dit)

"The Tic-Toc Boy of Constantinople", Anthone Panegyres, in Kisses by Clockwork (Dit/Tin)

"A Clockwork Heart", Amanda Pillar, in Kisses by Clockwork (Dit/Chr)

"The Law of Love", Angela Rega, in Kisses by Clockwork (Dit)

"Siri and the Chaos-Maker",Carol Ryles, in Kisses by Clockwork (Dit/Tin)

"South, To Glory" D.C. White, in Kisses by Clockwork (Dit)


cover, Death at the Blue Elephant, Nick Stathopolous (Dit)

cover and illustrations, Black-Winged Angels, Kathleen Jennings (Dit)

Collected Work

Death at the Blue Elephant, Janeen Webb (Dit)

Angel Dust, Ian McHugh (Dit)

Black-Winged Angels, Angela Slatter (Dit)

The Year's Best Australian Fantasy and Horror 2013, ed Liz Grzyb and Talie Helene (Dit/Tin/Chr)

Kisses by Clockwork, ed Liz Grzyb (Dit/Tin)


The Assassin of Nara, R.J. Ashby (Dit)


"The Year in Review", Liz Grzyb and Talie Helene, in The Year's Best Australian Fantasy and Horror 2013 (Dit/Tin/Chr)

A sneak preview of three titles to end the year.

We'll have more details soon. All the above, and all of our available titles, may be ordered at indiebooksonline.com.

Congratulations to our Aurealis Award winners! Last weekend three of our titles took away Aurealis Awards, and we're quite chuffed.

Best Young Adult Short Story

"By Bone-Light", Juliet Marillier, Prickle Moon

Best Anthology

The Year's Best Australian Fantasy and Horror 2012, edited by Liz Grzyb and Talie Helene

Best Horror Short Story

"The Year of Ancient Ghosts", Kim Wilkins, The Year of Ancient Ghosts


This anthology, with the working title Hear Me Roar, is looking at kick-arse chicks of all varieties in a speculative fiction world – female superheroes, scientists, subversives and rulers. We want character-driven stories with strong female protagonists.

The stories can be any variety of speculative fiction: science fiction, fantasy, horror, paranormal romance, urban fantasy or a mix.

We are not looking for stories where women are objectified, where there is gratuitous gore or erotica.

The anthology will be edited by Liz Grzyb, award-winning editor of eight anthologies including The Year’s Best Australian Fantasy and Horror, and will be published by Ticonderoga Publications in 2015.

Submission guidelines

Send me your best speculative fiction story featuring strong women.

  1. Story length 2,500 to 7,500 words. (Longer stories may be accepted, although payment is capped at 7,500).
  2. Original stories only: no reprints, multiple, or simultaneous submissions.
  3. Stories may be submitted via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in .doc or .rtf format.
  4. Manuscript format: double spaced, large margins, sensible serif font, Australian English spelling.
  5. Submissions period open: 21 April – 5 November 2014.
  6. Payment: 2 copies of print anthology and Aus 2.5 cents/word (GST inc., maximum payment $187.50) on publication.

This weekend you can catch us at the Supanova Pop Culture Expo in Perth.

The fabulous Juliet Marillier, author of Prickle Moon, is one of the guests of the expo and we have a table full of copies of Prickle Moon and other fantastic books.

We're offering a special deal - buy any two books and get a free copy of one of Troy, Magic Dirt, Fantastic Wonder Stories, or The Workers' Paradise.

If you're coming to the Expo drop by and say hello. We're in the Artists' Alley.

EDIT: We have extended this shipping deal for the foreseeable future. Get free shipping on all orders over $49 within Australia.

Get free Australia-wide shipping this week on all orders over $49 from indiebooksonline.

You could order our new releases from Cat Sparks (The Bride Price) and Kim Wilkins (The Year of Ancient Ghosts) before 27 May and get free shipping.

Or you could get a copy of Juliet Marillier's incredible collection Prickle Moon and the Aurealis Award nominated Midnight and Moonshine by Lisa L. Hannett and Angela Slatter before 27 May and get free shipping.

You get the idea.

Spend over $49 at indiebooksonline before 27 May and get free shipping within Australia.

Our May 2013 releases are now in stock and shipping. We have three fantastic new titles: The Year of Ancient Ghosts, Dreaming of Djinn, and The Bride Price.

The Year of Ancient Ghosts, Kim Wilkins

Launched last week to a packed house in Brisbane's West End, Kim Wilkins' collection of five fantastic novellas is a unique SF exploration of medieval history. Features an introduction by Kate Forsyth and illustrations by James Blake.

Available as

Limited hardcover (100 copies signed by all contributors) $75

Hardcover $45

Trade paperback $25

Dreaming of Djinn, edited by Liz Grzyb

18 new tales of the Arabian nights, an anthology of fabulous Orientalist pantomime.Stories by Marilag Angway, Cherith Baldry, Alan Baxter, Jenny Blackford, Jetse de Vries, Thoraiya Dyer, Joshua Gage, Richard Harland, Faith Mudge, Havva Murat, Charlotte Nash, Anthony Panegyres, Dan Rabarts, Angela Rega, Jenny Schwartz, Barb Siples, Pia Van Ravestein, DC White.

"It will ravish your senses as it transports you to a world of flying carpets, powerful ifrits, exotic foods and above all, dancing as deadly as it is beautiful." - Isobelle Carmody

Available as

Trade paperback $25

The Bride Price, Cat Sparks

The long overdue debut collection from the multiple award-winning Cat Sparks. The Bride Price collects 13 powerful stories. Features an introduction by Sean Williams. "Readers looking for random acts of kindness would do well to look elsewhere; fans of beautifully staged scenes of despair will find a wealth of them here." - Publishers Weekly

Available as

Limited hardcover (100 copies signed by all contributors) $75

Hardcover $45

Trade paperback $25

Our trade hardcover and paperback editions are also available online through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, The Book Depository and everywhere good books are sold.

At the 52nd National Science Fiction Convention, Conflux 9, held in Canberra, Ticonderoga founder Russell B. Farr was the recipient of one of the highest honours in Australian Science Fiction, the A. Bertram Chandler Award for "Outstanding achievement in Australian Science Fiction".

The A. Bertram Chandler Award was first presented in 1992 to Van Ikin, and Russell is the 17th recipient of this award.


Ticonderoga exists and continues to thrive due to the incredible support we continue to receive from family, friends, and the Australian SF community. Each of our books contain a page thanking many of the individuals and groups who have contributed to this success, and in this case, this unbelievable recognition. We'd like to take this opportunity to reproduce our most recent list,

Elizabeth Grzyb, Sean Williams, Cat Sparks, Kim Wilkins, Kate Forsyth, Jonathan Strahan, Peter McNamara, Ellen Datlow, Grant Stone, Jeremy G. Byrne, Garth Nix, David Cake, Simon Oxwell, Grant Watson, Sue Manning, Steven Utley, Bill Congreve, Jack Dann, Jenny Blackford, Simon Brown, Stephen Dedman, Sara Douglass, Felicity Dowker, Terry Dowling, Jason Fischer, Lisa L. Hannett, Pete Kempshall, Ian McHugh, Angela Rega, Angela Slatter, Lucy Sussex, Kaaron Warren, the Mt Lawley Mafia, the Nedlands Yakuza, Amanda Pillar, Shane Jiraiya Cummings, Angela Challis, Talie Helene, Donna Maree Hanson, Kate Williams, Andrew Williams, Kathryn Linge, Al Chan, Alisa and Tehani, Mel & Phil, Hayley Lane, Georgina Walpole, everyone we’ve missed . . .
. . . and you.


Russell would also like to thank the Australian Science Fiction Foundation for all of their work in continuing to support science fiction in Australia and for their support and administration of the A Bertram Chandler Award.


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