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Publishers Weekly reviews Lisa L Hannett's forthcoming debut collection, Bluegrass Symphony. The bit we especially love is


"this is a collection for fans of weirdness, wonder, and oft-disturbing twists"


the full review is below.


Bluegrass Symphony will be available world-wide in August and is available for pre-order at indiebooksonline.




Bluegrass Symphony


Lisa L. Hannett. Ticonderoga (, $14.99 trade paper (258p) ISBN 978-1-921857-01-0


Australian author Hannett's first collection shows off her fondness for lush imagery, unsettling concepts, indirect prose, and multilayered plots. "Carousel" features a girl trapped in a shed by her oppressive father; her attempts to escape elicit the sympathy of unusual rescuers. "Depot to Depot" spins the tale of a trucker who takes unexpected passengers on a strange detour. "Down the Hollow" looks at the sacrifices people must make to appease the Earth and the ways such a negotiation can go wrong. The 12 stories, all but one original to this volume, push boundaries and experiment with style, form, and meaning, rarely straightforward and often hovering between fantasy and horror. By no means an easy read, this is a collection for fans of weirdness, wonder, and oft-disturbing twists. (Aug.)


Reviewed on: 06/13/2011

